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‘The world changes thinking’ is essential to change and recreate the world as a place that is appropriate for each human being. As more people accept, master and always utilize their capacity to change their own lives, the natural ripple effect will be an increased collective will to transform the planet itself. Part 1 of this Report Consider how public opinion is shifting, even if gradually, the Chinese government’s behavior in respect to taking cares of its own people Lets now examine the polar opposite reality that plays out much less radically on earth televisions and radios because of lack of media freedom in Myanmar.


In the face of growing Tens of thousands of deaths and missing citizens in the wake of Cyclone Margins, the Myanmar government’s answer is decidedly less enthusiastic. The Myanmar junta remains closed off and indifferent to world opinion so far. Despite growing world denunciation of its refusal to permit foreign expertise to help with the efficient supply of critical life sustaining food, water and temporary shelter products, the center of the government stays closed as if put in granite.

The power of People to help sway and dissolve this hardheartedness was eased yesterday from the popular internet Community Blog Catalog This online website support each other and assists bloggers worldwide.

It’s ‘unite’ page, Random times are selected and set aside so that bloggers can write about a particular topic of global concern. This helps to throw a spotlight on issues that influence the world by setting aside one special day for bloggers to draw attention to and discuss insights on a single crucial world issue via their individual blog posts. One of the net’s biggest blog communities, it recently called on bloggers around the world to blog about the Myanmar cyclone disaster which has been acted upon with alacrity by bloggers globally. You can be an active Part of the process of Moon jae in approval rating self awareness inside minds and the hearts of your world community. In addition to donating funds to help aid businesses for relief to those who need it, when world view finally compels the 12-general ruling junta to permit appropriate supply, you can help others to get involved and have a stand.

Let loose on your blog or your own preferred communication medium, if you feel attracted to share your opinion and insights on current and interesting world problems and become involved. Let’s invest not just money but our own strong energy to transform our community to create.